All About LANAP Laser Gum Surgery
LANAP (Laser Assisted New Attachment Procedure) is a revolutionary periodontal treatment that uses regeneration, rather than removal, of gum tissue to treat gum disease and other damaging gum conditions.
There are many different areas of our day to day lives that have been improved by lasers.
Laser gum surgery is a reasonably new procedure that is quickly amassing a reputation as one of the best ways to treat the disease.
In the past, control of periodontal (gum) infection that had advanced into the jawbone usually required a type of surgery that led to unsightly changes in the gumline, spaces between the teeth and severe sensitivity, especially to cold.A surgical treatment with a laser, a LANAP treatment greatly minimizes the pain and discomfort generally associated with gum tissue removal while also promoting a speedy recovery. With the LANAP treatment, only two quick visits to our dental office are generally necessary
Periodontitis is the technical term for what is more commonly known as the second stage of gum disease. It is a degenerative condition that specifically attacks the soft tissues of the gums and the underlying bones that hold your teeth in place.
There are many causes of gum disease, some of the more common ones are:
Poor oral hygiene
Smoking or chewing tobacco
Many people who have gum disease are unaware that they have the condition at all. It is often painless, and discomfort resulting from the disease directly is uncommon. However, there is a long list of symptoms that can easily be spotted to diagnose the condition:
Pus generated from where the teeth meet the gum line
Loose or wobbly teeth
Sudden tooth sensitivity to hot and cold temperatures
Gums that bleed when flossing or brushing
Receding gums
What Are The Alternative Treatments?
Traditionally, before laser gum surgery, there were two main methods dentists used to treat Periodontitis.
Scaling and root planing (commonly known as SRP) was one of the methods. This involves the dentist performing a thorough deep cleaning of the teeth, paying special attention to the areas uncovered by receding gums.
This stops the build-up of plaque and tartar, and with a proper dental hygiene routine, can allow for regeneration of the gum tissue. This method can only be used in certain cases, in advanced stages of the disease it is often not a viable treatment option.
Frequently Asked Questions
I Think I Might Have Gum Disease, What Should I Do?
If you think you might have some symptoms of gum disease, you should book an appointment with Doctor as soon as possible.
It is important to remember that most cases of gum disease are caught and treated within the gingivitis stage. This means no invasive surgery (or LANAP) is required, and a good cleaning combined with an improved dental health routine can treat the condition.
If you have gingivitis or think you might have gingivitis, we understand that you might have some anxiety around what to do about it. But don’t worry; with the help of your dentist, hygienist and Crest, gingivitis is treatable and preventable.

How Long Does LANAP Treatment Take?
The amount of time LANAP treatment takes varies from patient to patient. The severity of the infection is the main determining factor. Because LANAP is a whole mouth procedure, it is usually completed in two or more visits with around a week of healing time in-between.
Does LANAP Hurt?
This is the most common concern that many people have when they hear about laser gum surgery. The idea of having high-powered lasers pointed at your gums is understandably something that can cause anxiety.
As we mentioned previously, general anesthesia is not required for this procedure because it is nearly entirely painless. You may feel a slight warmth when the laser is doing its job, and a slight tingling sensation in the tooth during other parts of the procedure. But apart from this, there will be no discomfort or pain at all.
It is one of the most peaceful surgical options dentists have at their disposal. Many patients are surprised at just how easy the procedure is.
What Should I Do After LANAP?
After you have had laser gum surgery, there are several things you should do to ensure your body has the best chance of a speedy recovery (and to reduce the risk of infection).
The most important thing to do is to not smoke. Smoking drastically reduces your bodies capability to heal. It can result in the healing process being delayed, which in turn increases the risk of infection.
How Long Will It Take Me To Recover?
Full recovery times vary from individual to individual. LANAP is a surgical procedure and as such, some healing time is to be expected. For the first 3 to 4 days after the treatment, most patients will notice some swelling, and possibly a little discomfort. This is totally normal and to be expected.
How Much Does LANAP Cost?
The cost of LANAP varies dramatically from patient to patient. Several factors need to be taken into account, and as such cost is calculated on a case by case basis. It is not possible to give an accurate quote without a full dental examination to identify the severity of the issue.